Saturday, February 28, 2015

40x40 Year in Review

I started this project to encourage myself to step into new territory. I was never looking to jump out of an airplane or sail around the world. I just wanted to meet new people, see new places, try new things and give back to the world in ways I hadn't before.

I’m excited to report that I reached my goal: 40 new experiences in the year before I turned 40. Most were good, some were not so great and a few were completely unplanned, but looking back now I believe they all made me a better person in some way (well, maybe all except for holding the live alligator).

My final 40x40 list is below.

For this final blog post, I want to thank my family and friends who encouraged me to keep going along the way and helped me find new opportunities to add to the list. And especially to my amazing husband, Rick, for being my editor over the past year.

I started the blog to share my 40x40 experiences with those around me, but I've been amazed to have views from people around the world. I hope leaving it up might encourage others to try something new whether they're 14, 40, or 94. Ultimately I believe it's about breaking out of the rut it's so easy to fall into and living life to the fullest.

Inspired by the 40x40 project, my personal goal in the next 40 years is to intentionally keep seeking new experiences that will enrich my life, deepen my soul and reinforce my purpose.

Friday, February 20, 2015

#40: Cruise

I made it to 40, both in new experiences and age! My last adventure is my first ever cruise for a birthday celebration on the seas with the people who mean the most to me. My husband, kids, parents, sister, brother-in-law, nephews and I are on board the Carnival Magic looking forward to a few days of relaxation and fun.

The 40x40 project has been a fun countdown over the past year. I've been blessed to have many new experiences that have, each in different ways, enriched my life and inspired me to keep trying new things.  I'll post a recap soon, but now I'm going to grab the drink of the day (blue margarita) and head to the pool with my kids!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#39: Make Amends

This was one of the first things on my initial 40x40 to do list, so it’s ironic it took me 11 months to complete and until the end of this project to write about. That’s because it’s also the most personal of the experiences in this blog.

For 12 years I was blessed to have a very close friendship with a very special person. We shopped together, traveled together, celebrated holidays together and even successfully planned our families for our children to grow-up together.

But a few years ago, some things happened that tested our friendship. We grew apart. Well, even more than that, we grew apart with some anger and bitterness between us and we were both too stubborn to make amends. I’ve struggled a lot with that over the years because I do love her and miss having her in my life. I’ve thought about her often and wanted to reach out but lacked the courage and strength.

A few weeks ago we met for lunch where we talked emotionally and honestly about the past. We’ve talked a little since, emailed, texted and we’re even connected on Facebook again. They’re baby steps but also huge strides. I realize how incredibly important the relationships in our lives are and I’m embarrassed that I held a grudge for so long against someone who means so very much to me.

Not long before things went awry we had a girl’s night out to see a stage performance of Wicked. There’s a lyric in one of the show’s songs, For Good, that reminds me of our situation and my reflections on it now.

And just to clear the air 
I ask forgiveness

For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know

There's blame to share
And none of it seems to matter anymore
While the 40x40 project inspired me to finally take the step to reconnect, I pray it’s only the beginning of a renewed friendship. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

#38: Give Blood

I’ve really enjoyed my 40x40 project, but one regret through the process is that I haven’t given back more. When I started this yearlong journey I had high hopes that at least half my experiences would be opportunities to give time and energy for Christian, social, environment, animal or education-related causes. I’ve contributed in some of those areas through the family mission trip, 500k meal marathon volunteering at a dog rescue, and my overall work in patient experience but I want to do more.

As I looked to wrap up this project, I realized one thing I’ve never done is give blood.  I’ve always been a little intimidated by the process but I recently heard the statistic that 1 out of 3 people will need blood in their lifetime. As I read on one website, “From natural disasters to unforeseen catastrophes, emergency hospital procedures to life-long battles with chronic diseases such as sickle cell, the demand for blood is constant. The supply is not. And since there is no substitute, only volunteer blood donors can roll up their sleeves and save lives.”

I decided this was an easy one, went online to Carter Blood Care and signed up to give at a facility near my office during lunch one day last week.

And it really was that simple. I showed up, had a mini physical/screening and then relaxed for about 15 minutes while they collected some blood. There was a small pinch as the needle went in, but aside from that the most painful part was watching American Pickers on the TV next to my station.

The staff and other people at the donation center were super nice and welcoming and I loved not feeling guilty indulging in a package of Nutter Butter cookies before I left – had to get the blood sugar back up!

Experience #37 was simple yet impactful. I’m confident I will give blood again. How else can you volunteer one hour of time and save up to three lives? I encourage others to schedule an appointment today at

Friday, February 13, 2015

#37: Indoor Skydiving

Jumping out of an airplane was never something on my 40x40 list, but I was willing and excited to try the indoor skydiving experience at iFly Dallas. According to their website, iFLY creates true free fall conditions, just like skydiving, without having to jump out of an airplane. iFLY’s 1400 hp vertical wind tunnel generates a wall-to-wall cushion of air on which you can safely float.

My kids and I recently experienced their ‘Earn Your Wings’ flight package for beginners. After watching a brief instructional video and learning a few key hand signals (it’s impossible to talk inside the wind tunnel) from our instructor, Preston, we suited up for flight. There were 10 flyers in our group and we all lined up on a bench waiting for our turn. Everyone received two 60-second flights with Preston nearby to coach and assist as needed.

Maya, Luca and I couldn’t talk much while we waited due to ear plugs and large helmets over our ears, but I knew they were as nervous as I was based on their big eyes and uncertain expressions as they watched others take flight. Nonetheless, eight-year-old Luca eagerly stepped up to go first among the three of us and excitedly entered the tunnel. She was awesome, following Preston’s directions and quickly leveling out to fly on her own.

I was a little more nervous about Maya simply because they made a point to say anyone who had experienced a dislocated shoulder should not fly.  While she’s had no shoulder injuries, she did dislocate her elbow last year. It should be healed after three surgeries, but we both still get a little uncomfortable when she tries something new. Preston reassured us she should be fine and came up with a special signal for her if she experienced any discomfort or pain. Luckily, she had no need to use that and enjoyed the flight.

I was up next and entered the wind tunnel with arms stretched out and knees slightly bent just as Preston had instructed. He helped position me for a few seconds and then let go and I was flying on my own, slowly spinning in circles.  It took a lot more concentration than I expected to stay level, but it was a fun feeling.  Knowing there was a camera capturing my flight, I tried my best to smile and look excited but that was nearly impossible with the force of the winds.

We all felt much more comfortable on our second flights. There was also excitement since we had upgraded to fly significantly higher into the wind tunnel with Preston. It was a very cool experience, but leads me to the only negative in our iFly adventure. It was very expensive. I paid over $200 to book the outing for the three of us. When they called to confirm the day prior, they tried to upsell me on several things, including the higher-flying experience. By the end of our outing, I spent almost $300 for a 1.5 hour adventure.

While experience #36 was fun and new, I’m not sure I would do it again. Flying, while great, only lasted a short time and I felt the price was steep. That said, it made for a great 40x40…a new experience that took me out of my comfort zone, yet kept my kids and me safe and excited.

Check out Maya and Luca's flight videos:

