Wednesday, August 20, 2014

#16: Parasailing

Like my recent sushi-eating experience, parasailing was one of the items on my original 40x40 target list as my overall intent with this project was to try new things, push myself out of my comfort zone and have more fun.

I was excited to finally have the opportunity to cross parasailing off the list while on vacation last week in Gulf Shores, Alabama. I had hoped it would be a family adventure, but due to an arm injury my oldest daughter, Maya, was unable to participate. Instead she and my husband, Rick, stayed at the beach while my seven year old, Luca, and I headed into the sky.

I did consider holding off since we couldn’t all do it together – and maybe because I was a little nervous. I have fears of water, heights and sharks, and I’ve seen some crazy news stories of parasailing experiences gone wrong.  But an excited Luca said, “It’s ok to be a little scared,” and I figured if a seven year old was brave enough, I could do this too!

After a little online research we decided to go with Peridio Key Parasail since they had great reviews. Their website boasts, “You will parasail high above the Gulf of Mexico with our experienced team and advanced liftoff and landing technology…enjoy spectacular views of our emerald waters and tropical beaches.”

Luca and Me
That’s exactly what we experienced. We arrived mid-morning, signed a few disclaimers, put on life jackets and were quickly escorted via a fun banana boat ride to the parasailing boat. There we strapped on harnesses, got two minutes of instructions and were released into the air with a pastel-colored chute behind us. AND IT WAS AMAZING!

I’m really not sure how else to describe it: COMPLETELY AMAZING!

It was a smooth transition from the boat to the sky, and for about 10 minutes we sailed 400 feet above the surface enjoying the amazing Gulf Coast views. Smiling the entire time, we talked about how “cool” this was, looked for our condo, gazed up at the parachute, tried to find Rick and Maya on the beach, and even extended our arms and pretended to be flying like birds (Luca’s idea). AWESOMENESS.

Flying like Birds
It was a great adventure, and I realized how incredibly special it was to experience it through the eyes of a child. Had it been me alone, I’m fairly certain I would not have flapped my wings like a bird and I know I wouldn’t have giggled out loud when the escalation into the sky “tickled my tummy.” I wouldn’t have thought about looking for our sand castle on the beach or what would happen if we “landed next to a shark.”

Luca and I had a blast on our adventure. We’ve already decided to upgrade to the 800 ft. parasailing flight next year. Experience #16 was my favorite yet. Only 24 to go.

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