Tuesday, August 12, 2014

#14: Sushi

One of the 40x40 experiences on my original target list was to eat sushi – or more accurately perhaps, to eat sashimi. I recently learned the difference in the two terms that I always assumed were interchangeable. Sashimi is thin slices of raw meat served without rice vs. sushi that is vinegared rice mixed with other ingredients, which may or may not include raw fish.

For years I have enjoyed going to sushi restaurants with friends and coworkers but I’ve always stuck to cooked rolls. Not being overly adventurous, I enjoy California rolls, spicy California rolls, rolls with tempura shrimp or salmon, avocado, etc. I do eat them with chopsticks and with ginger, wasabi and soy sauce, but I’ve never moved beyond items specifically marked “fully cooked.”

My plan for 40x40 was to finally try the raw stuff. Lots of people love it and I’ve always been curious what they’re raving about. But the last few times I’ve had the opportunity to try it, I haven’t been quite brave enough. Something about the look and perceived texture scared me. That finally changed last week while I was at a healthcare conference in Vancouver.

After a day of learning sessions followed by sightseeing, two colleagues and I had dinner at a great Asian restaurant called Guu. Self proclaimed as ‘the izakaya pioneer with the Japanese spirit in Canada,’ Guu has six locations in Vancouver and two in Toronto. We visited the Roboson location, a small but very energetic restaurant downtown. We opted to share a number of appetizers and entrees including calamari, edamame, ochazuke (rice soup mixed with cooked salmon) and salmon sashimi.

Honestly, I would have been fine with only the other selections, but my persuasive company encouraged me to try the sashimi. Since I had referenced 40x40 earlier and how the craziness of life has caused me to slip behind on my year long project, they knew how to convince me. I reluctantly took a bite gently dipped in soy sauce, admittedly small, but still a bite. Despite my apprehension (it looked slimy and, well, raw), it was delicious and flavorful.  In fact, I look forward to trying more soon. I may opt for the raw sushi next time though – the combination of fish with rice sounds even better to me.

Experience #14 was sort of planned yet unexpected and that made it a little extra fun. Only 26 to go…

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