Saturday, February 14, 2015

#38: Give Blood

I’ve really enjoyed my 40x40 project, but one regret through the process is that I haven’t given back more. When I started this yearlong journey I had high hopes that at least half my experiences would be opportunities to give time and energy for Christian, social, environment, animal or education-related causes. I’ve contributed in some of those areas through the family mission trip, 500k meal marathon volunteering at a dog rescue, and my overall work in patient experience but I want to do more.

As I looked to wrap up this project, I realized one thing I’ve never done is give blood.  I’ve always been a little intimidated by the process but I recently heard the statistic that 1 out of 3 people will need blood in their lifetime. As I read on one website, “From natural disasters to unforeseen catastrophes, emergency hospital procedures to life-long battles with chronic diseases such as sickle cell, the demand for blood is constant. The supply is not. And since there is no substitute, only volunteer blood donors can roll up their sleeves and save lives.”

I decided this was an easy one, went online to Carter Blood Care and signed up to give at a facility near my office during lunch one day last week.

And it really was that simple. I showed up, had a mini physical/screening and then relaxed for about 15 minutes while they collected some blood. There was a small pinch as the needle went in, but aside from that the most painful part was watching American Pickers on the TV next to my station.

The staff and other people at the donation center were super nice and welcoming and I loved not feeling guilty indulging in a package of Nutter Butter cookies before I left – had to get the blood sugar back up!

Experience #37 was simple yet impactful. I’m confident I will give blood again. How else can you volunteer one hour of time and save up to three lives? I encourage others to schedule an appointment today at

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