Friday, May 2, 2014

#6: Fitness Boot Camp

While I have always been conscious of health and fitness, about four years ago I became much more serious about diet and exercise. In 2010 I started working with a personal trainer who, together with a low calorie diet, helped me get into the best shape of my life. I stuck with that regimen for a couple of years and then the business of life (and maybe my love for wine?) slowly moved me out of that healthy pattern.

I am making a commitment with 40x40 to get back to that place. And since I already have the self-discipline to make it to the gym on a regular basis, I decided the missing ingredient was something to take me out of my fitness comfort zone. So when Camp Gladiator (CG), a program several of my friends participate in, recently offered a Groupon, I gave it a try.

This was a BIG DEAL for me for a number of reasons:
1. I prefer to workout alone.
2. I typically associate workouts with the gym.
3. I’m a night owl. (5 AM workouts? Seriously??)

But 40x40, and the Groupon offer for a discounted 4-week camp, encouraged me to give it a try. And to accommodate my kids’ crazy evening activity schedules, I did opt for the 5 AM MWF camp.

Clean-up After "O-Course" Day
The first two weeks were better than expected. Somehow my internal clock woke me up before the 4:30 AM alarm went off most mornings. Once I made it to the parking lot where the outdoor camps are held, I actually enjoyed the workouts, found the camaraderie motivating and loved that the variety in workouts actually made me sore.  My body had grown accustomed to my regular gym routine, so that was something I hadn’t experienced in a long time. 

Unfortunately, the second half of the four weeks was wasted due to work travel and time commitments, but I decided the experience was positive enough to sign-up for a full year of camps. I’m only two months into it now, but I’ve committed to being there three days a week (before the break of dawn).

I love how CG mixes up the routines so you are constantly surprised and challenged. My favorite workout so far was obstacle course (O-Course) day, complete with tire pulls, firehose drills and jump roping. Yes, I could do without the burpees and impromptu “fit tests” with timed miles, but even those provide an opportunity to see progress. And I get so excited when my Fitbit show that I’m 50% to my steps and miles goals at 6 AM…6 AM!!…when I’m normally just waking up.

Experience #6 is still a work in progress, but I’m feeling great about it. 34 new experiences to go…

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