Saturday, March 8, 2014

#3: One Day Family Mission Trip

My personal commitment with the 40x40 project is to make it as much (or more) about giving back as it is about self-fulfillment. So, when our church announced its first ever one day family mission trip, I was excited to sign up. What a fun way for our family to serve together!

Then I realized my oldest daughter had a soccer game that conflicted and since my husband is her coach that meant it would just be me and Luca, my seven year old. I considered backing out to go to the game and have a more relaxing Saturday. I was further tempted to cancel when I received an email warning to expect bees and bring poison ivy block! But Luca and I went on the mission trip, and I’m so glad we did.

The trip was just down the road to Grand Prairie, Texas to help Pioneer Bible Translators, an organization committed to sharing God’s word with Bible-less people around the world.

Prior to heading to Grand Prairie we met at the church for breakfast and a short worship service. The highlight of my day was when I closed my eyes and bowed my head for the group prayer. I felt Luca’s arms wrap tightly around my waist and peeked down to see her eyes shut tightly in prayer. What a magical moment to stand, embraced with my little girl, praying about the day of service we were about to experience.

The church provided a great tool to help families talk about the one-day mission trip. It was a two-sided card with questions and scripture. One side was called “Car Time…here we go” with questions about what you’re expecting.  It featured a prayer that Luca read/prayed for us while I drove. I asked her to record it on my phone, so click here to listen to her actual prayer. Awesomeness.

When we arrived at the site, we enjoyed talking with church friends and leaders, making bracelets and birthday cards for missionaries’ kids and learning more about the Pioneer Bible Translators organization. But our most memorable time was spent raking leaves in a small section on the grounds. For over an hour Luca and I talked and laughed as we gathered and bagged leaves. With her vivid imagination, she pretended she was having a birthday party and all the leaves were the friends she invited. She got so excited as the piles got higher. We’d move them into a bag and then she would start gathering more ‘friends’ and planning her next party. At one point, she smiled brightly and said “Mommy, I’m glad we came here. This is so fun, and I get to be with you all day.”

The flip side of the card provided by the church was titled “Car Time…headed home” and featured conversation starters to help recap the experience. As we drove away, we talked about how God worked in us throughout the day. I explained how the time and money saved through the volunteers helping allowed the missionaries and staff more time and money to spread God’s Word.

I’m so grateful to Compass Christian Church for coordinating this activity and to God for getting us there. And one of my biggest reflections from the day…anything (even raking leaves) is more fun when Luca is part of it. I adore my little ray of sunshine!

Experience #3 was a success…only 37 more to go!

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