Wednesday, September 17, 2014

#19: 500K Meal Marathon

Our church recently participated in the 500K Meal Marathon, a project to package 500,000 rice-based meals to send to Haiti. My daughter, Maya, and I were excited to put on gloves and hairnets and donate our time to help.
The event was incredibly well-organized with scheduled shifts, stations and teams each working specific areas of an assembly line. Volunteers measured dehydrated vegetables, vitamin powder, soy protein and rice into plastic bags and sealed. During our two-hour shift, Maya and I each had responsibility for heat sealing bags in our group and placing them on grids to be packaged. It was a pretty easy job, but so cool to know we contributed to helping feed hungry families around the world.
I heard there were over 1,000 volunteers who participated in the event and it was awesome to be part of that and experience the energy of the day. It was especially meaningful to experience it with Maya. It provided a great opportunity to remind both of us how fortunate we are to have the resources we often take for granted and how important it is to help others. We pray the generosity of volunteers will not only feed hungry stomachs, but also open the door to share God’s love throughout the world.

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