Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why the 40 by 40 project?

Many have approached ‘the big 4-0’ and had the sudden urge to break away from the rut of everyday life. For me, it came out of the blue one day when I had the sudden realization that my thirties would not last forever. They will, in fact, end on February 20, 2015. 365 days from today.
My Family

And when that happens, I can say I’ve had a fabulous first 40. I am blessed with an amazing family. I have a husband who kisses me everyday before we leave the house for work. I completely adore my two spirited, loving daughters (Maya just turned 11 and Luca is 7 going on 13). It’s a great family life.

My career life is also fulfilling. After 11 years in the newspaper industry, I took a leap to healthcare where I'm currently VP of Strategy for an organization committed to improving the patient experience. I spend my days (and nights, often) developing programs and resources for our members and guests who passionately want to improve the healthcare experience for patients and their family members. I feel great about what I do.

I love my community. I live in Colleyville, Texas where my husband and I are in our fifth year of teaching 2nd Grade Sunday School. I adore the kids we work with each week and love impacting their lives. I’ve been a Girl Scout Troop Leader, a Destination Imagination Team Manager and the coordinator of our elementary school’s talent show. I love where I live and enjoy being an active member of our community.

I’m uber-fortunate. Even my dogs greet me at the door, tails wagging, multiple times every day. Who could ask for more?

I love where I am, but there is more I’d like to experience before the next 40. So, I’m starting that journey now with a commitment to have 40 new experiences before I reach the age of 40.  Initially the idea was to have 40 new adventures, but there’s too much pressure in the word 'adventure.' I’m not necessarily looking to jump out of airplanes or climb Mt. Everest. I just want to encourage myself to step into some new territory. Meet new people…see new places…try new things...even give back to the world in ways I haven't before. We’ll see where it goes.

I have an initial list of 'new experience' ideas, but I welcome additional suggestions. I need approx. one every nine days to meet my goal. Yikes! Better get started.

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